8 Things to Say When You Really Want to Say No

In our desperate quest for love and attention, we may say yes to people and things we shouldn’t.  We hate to disappoint people so we make that the priority over what we really need or want in our lives. But the truth is we just can’t say yes to everyone.  It leads to...

A Strategy To Experience Your Best Life

Do you sometimes feel like you can’t handle it all?  It happens to me whenever I take on too many responsibilities.  Subsequently, I begin to resent others as if they put the heavy burdens on my shoulders.  People may have expectations, but no one is forcing me to do...

Children Learn How to Be Codependent

If you have ever wondered how you got into your relationship messes, perhaps an eye into your past will enlighten you as it did me. When we are children, we cannot stop negative events from happening to us.  But soon after they do happen, we try to control situations...